A green twist on Black Friday

Notiz Hotel values a more sustainable environment. That is why, this Black Friday, we are highlighting a greener approach with Green Friday. We encourage our guests to think of alternatives that benefit the environment, rather than promoting unnecessary consumption.

More and more stores are embracing Green Friday. Some are closing their doors and online shops. Instead of encouraging overconsumption, they are planting trees with their team and dedicating efforts to nature. Stores also invite customers to drop off used clothing, shoes, and bags to give them a new life.

At Notiz Hotel, we are also not participating in Black Friday. Instead of offering high discounts, our aim is to plant as many trees as possible. During your stay at Notiz Hotel, you can help by skipping daily cleaning; in return, we will plant a tree. Over the past year and a half, we have already planted 669 trees this way.

Green Friday is not just about what happens in stores and hotels, but also about what you can do at home. Even if you are not staying at Notiz Hotel, you can join in on Green Friday! Consider using less plastic today, you could choose reusable bags over plastic ones. You can also choose not to buy new items today, but rather repair or reuse what you have. Additionally, celebrating Green Friday by organizing a clothes swap with friends instead of buying new clothing is a fantastic idea. By swapping clothes, we breathe new life into garments and reduce pressure on producing new ones. It is a fun way to refresh your wardrobe without making new purchases. Every small step toward a greener lifestyle counts not only today but throughout the year for our planet!

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